Using the right Mountboard Colour!


I’d like to focus this week’s blog on mountboard.  It’s easy to overlook this part of framing, but it plays a very important role.  Let me explain…

Mountboard is a thin piece of white, black or coloured card that art work is placed inside for decorative purposes.

Similar to how the right curtains can enhance a window and pull the decor of a room together, mountboard does the same for a picture or piece of artwork.

It enhances your art and can bring certain colours into focus. Take this picture of the Statue of Liberty, for example, this demonstrates different ways of using mountboard to change and enhance the picture to suit your style and colour scheme.

It’s worth noting also that changing the  mountboard (or adding one if there was not one originally) is a very quick and cheap way to revitalise an old picture.  Great if you’ve just redecorated  a room and your colour scheme has changed.

Now mountboard isn’t just for decorative use.  It has many important functions.

For example, it is used to support the picture and prevents the art or photo from moving.  It also acts as a barrier separating the art from the glass.  This is important in preserving your picture or artwork over time.

There are so many different colours, textures and thicknesses of mountboard, you can even put two mountboards together and create a ‘double mount effect’.  It’s fun to play around with different styles and really choose something that is right for you and your picture.

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